Thursday, April 7, 2011

Halfway Checkpoint

We did it! We successfully completed the Cherry Blossom 10-miler! We found that we weren't entirely successful at multi-tasking our training. Splitting our training between cycling and running meant that we weren't training as well as we'd hoped for either. Nonetheless, we finished the race and had a pretty good time. The blossoms were in full bloom, and the sun came out to warm things up; It was gorgeous!

An amazing family member even made us T-shirts so we could spread the word about the ride as we ran:

With the race out of the way, we are looking at approximately 10 more weeks of training before we dip our back tires in the Pacific Ocean and head east for 3,400 miles. It's time to get serious. We're trying to spend some time on the bikes every day now, even if it's only a short ride. With warmer weather and more hours of daylight, biking to work has become a solid option.

It's also time for us to get more serious about the real goal of our cross country adventure: fundraising. We're pitching a new idea to friends and family:

Each rider’s goal is to raise $3,400 ($1 for every mile). Larger donors will cover our operating costs and in-kind gifts, so that every penny that the riders raise will go directly to supporting volunteers. We will be cycling from Oregon to New Jersey for 50 days this summer (which are broken up with rest days and opportunities for community service with Lasallian communities). If we can raise $68 for each of those days that we are cycling across the country, we will meet our goal. That also means that if we can find 50 people to sponsor us for $68, we will have met our goal.

So here's our humble plea...
We believe that education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty in the U.S. The Lasallian Volunteer Program trains, supports and places teachers in communities of great need. Please help us help them, and consider donating to LVsRide. Can you spare $68 to sponsor one day, or $34 for half of a day? Do you know someone who can?

If you know of others - family, friends, businesses, potential sponsors - please spread the word. In the meantime, stay tuned for more posts about longer rides and pertinent information as our training kicks it up a notch!

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