Friday, September 2, 2011

Coasting Cross Calvert

For our most recent ride, we wanted to explore roads on the other side of the Patuxent River in Calvert County, Maryland.

The main drag, Route 4, is a designated bike route with a nice, wide shoulder. Since the straight shot can get a little boring, we jogged onto a few back roads, following part of the Star-Spangled Banner Byway. The byway roads were fairly narrow, winding and even had a few steep climbs. It's a scenic ride, but without the presence of a shoulder, not recommended for novice riders, especially when traffic becomes heavier. We stopped at the Benedict Bridge, which looked a little too narrow to be bicycle-friendly.

So, we enjoyed the view of the river, snapped a few photos and made our way back south.

We opted for a slightly different route back, taking advantage of the dedicated bicycle lanes in Prince Frederick. As we neared the river again, our attention was drawn to the skies as the Blue Angels rehearsed some of their acrobatic maneuvers for the weekend's Air Expo at Patuxent River Naval Air Station.

This 50-mile route was our longest ride since stopping at the Atlantic. After a few days off the bikes, one of us already felt the strain. With our century ride only 2 weeks away, it's time to get back into training mode!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. I thought I saw you there. You both never cease to impress. Hope you enjoyed the show. My best for the rest of your ride.
